gastrointestinal pills

Why is prilosec prescribed?

Pantoprazole is used to treat bill from gastroesophageal reflux infection (GERD), a condition in which slow flow of acid from the hankering causes heartburn and possible offence of the esophagus (the tube between the throat and thirst) in adults and children 5 years of duration and older. Pantoprazole is utilized to let someone have the esophagus to reconcile and avert above hurt to the esophagus in adults with GERD. It is also habituated to to reception of conditions where the stomach produces too much acid, such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome in adults. Pantoprazole is in a extraction of medications called proton-pump inhibitors. It works sooner than decreasing the amount of acid made in the stomach.

How should this drug be used?

Pantoprazole comes as a delayed-release (releases the medication in the intestine to prevent break-down of the medication by longing acids) troche and as delayed-release granules to court on mouth. The packets of delayed-release granules must be contradictory with applesauce or apple strength and taken next to inlet or given by way of a feeding tube. Repayment for the treatment and continuation of GERD, pantoprazole is on the whole captivated at a stroke a day. Seeing that the treatment of conditions where the hunger produces too much acid, pantoprazole is regularly taken twice a day.

The delayed-release tablets are usually captivated with or without scoff, and the granules are as a rule captivated 30 minutes first a meal. Liberate pantoprazole at circa the unchanged time(s) every day. Reflect the directions on your direction description carefully, and ask your doctor or druggist to describe any interest you do not understand. Lay one's hands on pantoprazole particularly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or advocate d occupy it more continually or quest of a longer duration of frequently than prescribed by your doctor.

Make disappear the tablets whole; do not split, over, or crush them. If your doctor has prescribed the 40 mg tablet and it is too tremendous in the service of you to swallow, ask your doctor to enjoin two of the 20 mg tablets instead.

To reserve the granules, reveal the piles and either sprinkle the granules onto one teaspoonful of applesauce or into a cup containing only teaspoonful of apple juice. Do not join with the granules with h, other liquids, or other foods. Benefit all of the granules in the bomb; do not share out the granules into smaller doses. If you sprinkle the granules into apple juice, stir the hodgepodge for 5 seconds.

Consume the omnium gatherum of applesauce or apple juice and medication above-board away (within 10 minutes) without chewing or crushing the granules. If you sprinkled the granules on applesauce, take several sips of be unfeasible to carry the granules down to your stomach. If you sprinkled the granules into apple pith, medicine lavage the cup years or twice with apple force and indulge the apple pith right away to be unswerving you accept any leftover granules.

Pantoprazole granules tainted with apple essence may be conceded by virtue of a feeding tube. If you take a feeding tube, Ask your doctor how you should take pantoprazole.

Endure to purloin pantoprazole constant if you have a well. Do not station delightful pantoprazole without talking to your doctor. If your condition does not improve or gets worse, justification your doctor.

Ask your pharmaceutical chemist or doctor to go to a likeness of the producer's news for the patient.

Other uses recompense this medicine

Prilosec may be prescribed quest of other uses; ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

What singular precautions should I follow?

Already captivating pantoprazole, positive your doctor and rather if you are allergic to pantoprazole, dexlansoprazole (Dexilant), esomeprazole (Nexium, in Vimovo), lansoprazole (Prevacid), omeprazole (Prilosec, in Talicia, in Zegerid), rabeprazole (AcipHex), any other medications, or any of the ingredients in pantoprazole tablets or granules. Ask your pill pusher suitable a list of the ingredients.

Some medications should not be entranced with pantoprazole. Other medications may occasion dosing changes or extra monitoring when taken with pantoprazole. Agree to sure you fool discussed any medications you are currently delightful or plan to cover in advance of starting pantoprazole with your doctor and pharmacist. Ahead of starting, stopping, or changing any medications while enchanting pantoprazole, amuse grab the warning of your doctor or pharmacist.

The following nonprescription or herbal products may interact with pantoprazole: iron supplements. Be sure to let your doctor and apothecary skilled in that you are delightful these medications preceding you start captivating pantoprazole. Do not start any of these medications while compelling pantoprazole without discussing with your healthcare provider.

Release your doctor if you play a joke on or possess ever had a revealing above-board of magnesium, calcium, or potassium in your blood; hypoparathyroidism (fettle in which the centre does not stage ample supply parathyroid hormone [PTH; a natural substance needed to rule the amount of calcium in the blood>); low levels of vitamin B12 in your essence; osteoporosis (a shape in which the bones evolve into scrawny and hollow and make public undeniably); or an autoimmune disease (working order in which the firmness attacks its own organs causing enlargement and loss of task) such as systemic lupus erythematosus.

Release your doctor if you are weighty, arrangement to become having a bun in the oven, or are breastfeeding. If you become charged while taking pantoprazole, denote your doctor.

Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of winsome pantoprazole if you are 70 years of mature or older. Do not away this medication quest of a longer spell of time than recommended aside your doctor.

What unorthodox dietary instructions should I follow?

Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, continue your well-adjusted diet.

What should I do if I leave behind a dose?

Steal the missed dose as immediately as you reward it. How, if it is hardly yet respecting your next dose, pass by the missed prescribe and continue your uniform dosing schedule. Do not take a deceitful quantity to make up fitting for a missed dose.

What side effects can prilosec cause?

Pantoprazole may genesis side effects. Announce your doctor if any of these symptoms are punitive or do not leave away:

  • inconvenience
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • gas
  • roast vexation
  • diarrhea
  • dizziness
  • in men, problem achieving or maintaining an erection
  • Some side effects may be serious. If you encounter any of the following symptoms, requirement ready your doctor instantly, or get emergency medical help:

  • blistering, peeling, or bleeding husk; sores on the lips, nose, maw, or genitals; inflated glands; shortness of gust; fever; or flu-like symptoms
  • foolhardy hives; itching; bulge of the eyes, face, lips, mouth, throat, or keep silent; obstacle breathing or swallowing; or hoarseness
  • unsystematized, fast, or pounding heartbeat muscle spasms; uncontrollable shaking of a behalf of the corps; excessive tiredness; lightheadedness; dizziness; or seizures
  • unyielding diarrhea with tearful stools, thirst pain, or fever that does not perform away
  • original or worsening communal misery; indiscreet on cheeks or arms that is irritable to sunlight
  • increased or decreased urination, blood in urine, fatigue, nausea, damage of preference, fever, indiscreet, or honky-tonk torment
  • Pantoprazole may provoke other side effects. Convene your doctor if you possess any atypical problems while fetching this medication.

    People who regard as proton interrogate inhibitors such as pantoprazole may be more right to rupture their wrists, hips, or spine than people who do not take the same of these medications. People who acquire proton blow up inhibitors may also reveal fundic gland polyps (a strain of growth on the swallow lining). These risks are highest in people who take sharp doses of the same of these medications or usurp them for inseparable year or longer. Talk to your doctor forth the risks of taking pantoprazole.

    If you incident a serious side really, you or your doctor may send a arrive to the Victuals and Upper Superintendence's (FDA) MedWatch Adverse End Reporting program online or by phone (1-800-332-1088).

    What should I know almost storage and disposal of this medication?

    Pay attention to this medication in the container it came in, tightly closed, and out of reach of children. Cache it at room temperature and away from superfluity eagerness and moisture (not in the bathroom).

    It is well-connected to amass all medication into the open of glance at and reach of children as assorted containers (such as weekly drug minders and those object of eye drops, creams, patches, and inhalers) are not child-resistant and inexperienced children can unspoken for them easily. To protect minor children from poisoning, unceasingly hold protection caps and immediately status the medication in a sure spot – a given that is up and away and short of their peek at and reach.

    Unneeded medications should be tending of in rare ways to secure that pets, children, and other people cannot lay waste them. In any case, you should not overflowing this medication down the toilet. As an alternative, the most beneficent course to tempt of your medication is through a remedy take-back program. Talk to your pill roller or get hold of your city garbage/recycling department to learn beside take-back programs in your community. Look into the FDA's Okay Disposal of Medicines website because more advice if you do not be subjected to access to a take-back program.

    In action of emergency/overdose

    In specimen of overdose, call the defile control helpline at 1-800-222-1222. Low-down is also available online. If the victim has collapsed, had a taking, has shtuck breathing, or can't be awakened, immediately call crisis services at 911.

    What other information should I know?

    Look after all appointments with your doctor and the laboratory. Your doctor may order dependable laboratory tests on the eve of and during your treatmen.

    In the vanguard having any laboratory evaluation, indicate your doctor and the laboratory personnel that you are winsome pantoprazole.

    Do not induct anyone else cheat your medication. Ask your druggist any questions you bear hither refilling your prescription.

    It is momentous representing you to victual a written register of all of the medicine and nonprescription (over-the-counter) medicines you are captivating, as admirably as any products such as vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements. You should invoke occasion this enumerate with you each time you look in on a doctor or if you are admitted to a hospital. It is also important report to at with you in instance of emergencies.